CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Learn How to Deploy Your Delphi Applications To The Microsoft Store

Microsoft Store is not just applications or games store. You can buy dozens of devices and available physical stores also. This is an immense market for you! Since you are developing applications with Delphi, you can build and deploy applications to the Microsoft Store, Apple App Store, Google Play Store. I think learning about building and deploying APPX bundles with Delphi can be a huge addition…
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DelphiNewsTech Partner

Getting Started with Python4Delphi

During part 1 of our webinar last week there were a few questions about installing components and getting started. I made a short video and wanted to provide some details here. SynEdit is an optional library that provides syntax highlighting and proper indention…

Rapidly Consume Powerful REST Services With Almost No Code In C++Builder On Windows

We continuously hear that consuming REST services with the RAD tools have always been swift. For instance, in this video, you can see how you can call any REST endpoint and fetch the data easily with the REST Debugger tool. With the REST Debugger tool, you can get the data and validate the correctness of it, and then you can copy the required components using the Copy Components button.
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Learn How to Customize Delphi Components With The FMX Styles In This CodeRage Replay

Many FireMonkey developers try to change the properties of the components to make unique designs or styles. But, by changing properties you make a few changes and that is it. What you can do is that you just need to learn how to customize FMX styles. In this CodeRage session by Ray Konopka, you can find out many demos in action about this topic. When FireMonkey has first introduced the…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

C++ Builder 10.4.x Platform APIs

C++ Builder provides three levels of development: ⦁ Components (VCL and FMX) ⦁ Common Libraries (RTL). ⦁ Platform APIs (iOS, Android, Mac OS) In this post we will discuss and show how to use the Platform APIs (iOS, Android, Mac OS). Specifically, we’ll look at how to use the iOS APIs to obtain Apple iOS device information for the Operating System (OS) version, the OS name and the iOS…
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