
XE3 Visual LiveBindings: User defined objects

Author: Jim T1392 The adapter components TListBindSourceAdapter and TObjectBindSourceAdapter enable LiveBindings with user defined TObjects. Here is a user defined TObject for example. type TContact = class private FFirstName: string; FLastName: string; public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(const AFirstName, ALastName: string); overload; property…
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Custom FireMonkey "TSimpleTriangle" component

Author: Pawe Gowacki Have you ever written a component in Delphi? Reusable components are the corner-stone of rapid application development and important part of Delphi success on the market. Being able to manipulate an instance of a class at design-time is where Delphi…

Converting to grayscale with TBitmap.ScanLine property

Author: Pawe Gowacki In my previous post “Boian’s TBitmap Visualizer and converting to grayscale” I have described an algorithm for converting arbitrary TBitmap instances to gray using a selected formula. The problem is with the performance of the code that actually changes the color of each pixel. Accessing color information is done via TBitmap.Pixels property, which is a…
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