
Using Custom Endpoints to create a BaaS enabled Desktop application for sending notifications to your mobile apps

I previously wrote a blog post on how to send notifications via our BaaS (Backend as a Service) support in Delphi to your mobile devices on iOS and Android. This blog post assumes that you followed the steps in my previous blog post and in the referenced docwiki articles. In this post, I thought I would cover how to send notifications from BaaS enabled FireMonkey or VCL Desktop apps to your…
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Opening a file with the default program on Windows and Mac

I’ve been using the windows API call ShellExec for years to pass in the file name of a file I want to launch programatically with the default application on Windows; but I am now creating an application for use on Windows and Mac with FireMonkey for the upcoming season of Developer Direct LIVE Mobile Summer School (starting Tuesday 16th July) and I need to implement the same functionality on…
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Custom FireMonkey "TSimpleTriangle" component

Author: Pawe Gowacki Have you ever written a component in Delphi? Reusable components are the corner-stone of rapid application development and important part of Delphi success on the market. Being able to manipulate an instance of a class at design-time is where Delphi…