Case StudyDelphiShowcase

How Does Reliable Delphi Keep This Wonderland Running 365 Days A Year?

When you are open every single day of the year, rain or shine, your timings are measured in milliseconds, and your smallest distances are 0.7mm (0.03 inch) apart you begin to really appreciate how absolutely rock-solid Delphi is. These are the insanely complex engineering problems Daniel Wolf faces every day he walks into his workplace where he is surrounded by the roar of speeding racing car…
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Case StudyContestNewsShowcase

Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge - Results

There were a lot of great entries for our Enterprise Software Development Article Challenge showing the use of Delphi, C++Builder, InterBase and RAD Server in many different enterprise use cases. List of entries: Winner! How This Motorcycle Hazard Reporting Monitoring Tool Was Made 2nd Place How To Win When You Have 34 Milliseconds To Beat Snoops And Spies My Successful Journey In Building…
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Case StudyDelphiDeveloper InterviewsRAD StudioShowcase

This Is How We Optimized Brazilian Large Scale Drug Distribution

Today we have an Enterprise Article entry from that hotbed of Delphi developers, Brazil. Landerson Gomes takes us through how the strong cross platform development capabilities of RAD Studio with Delphi allowed him to help a drug distribution company streamline its processes and overcome challenges across multiple industries. How did it all begin? I’ve always been closely following…
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Case StudyDelphiDeveloper InterviewsRAD Studio

This Is My Experience With Delphi - A Glowing Personal Endorsement

We’ve had a really great mixture of entries for our Enterprise Development Article competition. Developers have waxed lyrical about how they use our favorite IDE software to create everything from having nothing more than milliseconds to defeat a hacking attack to the slightly more sedate World’s best fruit fly research engine. We’ve even had horror stories of a bug so bad it…
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