C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Flash Sale Ends Today! Multiple Opportunities Available

Note: These flash sale and promo offers have already ended and are no longer valid. The current End-of-Quarter flash sale opportunities for multiple companies in the Idera family, namely Embarcadero, Whole Tomato and UltraEdit, are just incredible, but they expire today! Find your best deal among the offerings below: Embarcadero Embarcadero is offering a whopping 35%OFF on all licenses. There’s…
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InterBase ODBC Driver on GitHub

Embarcadero just released the source code of the most recent version of the ODBC driver for the InterBase relational database. This is an open source driver which has been available for long, but it’s the first time it is officially hosted in a public repository…

Let's Develop Modern Apps With The Latest C++ Builder 12

HelloC++Developers, this week we have 3 great posts. In the first post, we summarize the most used activation functions available today and we explain how they can be used in C++ examples. In other post, we are listing default constructor types in C++ with detailed posts and examples for each of them. In addition, we have another great post aboutassignment operator…
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ModernizationNewsProductivityRAD Studio

RAD Studio & The Software Life Cycle – Publishing Applications

Publishing an app on multiple platforms can be a challenge when there are guidelines to be met and a consistent user experience guaranteed. In the first of a three-part series on the value RAD Studio delivers across the software development life cycle, we looked at the advantages of using RAD Studio in the application design and development phase. In this, the second part, we are looking at the…
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Harnessing the power of the Web with Delphi & HTMX

If you ever wanted to create a server-based web application, then HTMX is a solution that offers great flexibility for development, allowing RAD Studio developers to deliver the business logic while still allowing designers to make the web application look great using CSS. Without having to write a single line of JavaScript code, you can build a full web application, with the entire logic in a web…
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