
InterBase Encryption - How to Get Started?

High-level encryption is a vital feature of any reliable database, and Embarcadero’s signature database, InterBase, handles it very well. But how exactly does InterBase restrict access to data, both at rest and in transit, through encryption? In the article we are taking a closer look. Introduction The Encryption Engine is natively available as part of the Desktop, Server and ToGo editions…
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Aviation Giant Renews Long-Term InterBase Contract

After extensive testing, a top global commercial aircraft manufacturer has just renewed its InterBase deployment license with Embarcadero. The project involved updating InterBase to the latest version to address compliance requirements. Although we cannot name the long-term customer due to a confidentiality clause, we are nevertheless delighted to highlight the renewal. Embarcadero is proud to…
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DatabaseInterBaseNewsRAD Server

How to Deploy RAD Server And InterBase on The Same Linux Machine

If you want to deploy RAD Server on a Linux environment (on-premise or cloud-based) it is mandatory to deploy an instance of InterBase as well because it is the database used by RAD Server to store all its internal data. This is quite straightforward in most cases, and you can even do it using Docker if you want, but what if you need to deploy RAD Server and your own InterBase instance on just…
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C++CodeDatabaseIDEInterBaseRAD Studio

Advanced Programming - A Complete Guide To Programming In C++

A Complete Guide To Advanced Programming In C++ This article is part of a series which teaches you the basics of how to write C++ software. C and C++ both make use of pointers. Often, new C++ programmers can struggle with both the concept and correct use of pointers. In this post we will explain what pointers are along with a discussion of linked lists which are a very common data structure…
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