C++DatabaseDelphiRAD ServerRAD StudioWebinar

How To Work With Any Database And Do It Properly - Webinar Replay

We continued our webinar with a look at how ridiculously fast and easy it is to create cross-platform apps with RAD Studio and connect to a variety of databases. One of the great strengths of RAD Studio, and particularly Delphi and C++ Builder is how it can use components like FireDAC to connect to almost any database system there is available. In the webinar I looked at the range of built-in…
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C++DelphiNewsPythonRAD ServerRAD Studio

Embarcadero Welcomes Ian Barker to Developer Advocate Role

If you have watched any of Embarcadero’s online content, attended a RAD Studio webinar, or been to one of the in-person events you will most likely know the wonderful Jim McKeeth. Jim has been the Chief Developer Advocate and Engineer for Embarcadero since July 13th, 2013, just short of ten years. Today, however, the big news is that Jim is leaving Embarcadero and moving on to a new role as…
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