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Delphi App For Go-Kart Racing Tops Both App Stores!

delphi app stores

A Delphi app created by our own Embarcadero MVP and Pre-Sales Director Stephen Ball hit the top spot on both the Apple App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android) charts over the weekend of 12 to 14 April 2024.

















The app was inspired by go kart racing, and helps drivers and mechanics understand gear ratios to maximize go kart performance on the race track. 

Interestingly, although the app is for a narrow audience, it still climbed to the #1 spot in the Paid Sports App category in the two apps stores just days after launch.

Key Facts

The native apps for Android and iOS were compiled from the original Delphi code.

The Artwork Generator in RAD Studio greatly simplified the process of generating the icons and art required by the app stores.

The app’s spinning cog graphic uses the new Skia framework to adjust the speed of the cogs depending on the gear ratio. 

Read Stephen Ball’s post on his personal blog here.


Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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