C++DelphiRAD Studio

Easy Serialization From Query To JSON

This is a set of features combined on a group of functions to help you work with JSON format, without had to write a bunch of classes and handles, perfect for people who work with integrated applications, such as web services host or client, or if your project requires NO SQL databases. For now, it is compatible with Win32 and Win64 and from Delphi XE3 to Rio according to the official GitHub…
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Learn How To Easily Work With A COMPort On Linux In Delphi Using A WINSOFT Library

You can track and use all available ComPorts on your Linux machine by using this fantastic library. It is simple, fast, and efficient to use; simply download and add the library path, declare the units, and call its functions. Follow the tutorial to learn how to do so. In my case, I was using VirtualBox to run Ubuntu on a Windows host. Installing Development Packages To install the development…
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C++CodeDatabaseDelphiIDERAD Studio

Learn How To Easily Work With Delphi Database Connection Definitions With This Sample

The ConnectionDefs property is a powerful tool that can be used to make your connections management simple and flexible, with the possibility of persisting and transport your connection’s parameters whenever you want, using these transportable files you can load and navigate between previously configured connections on self-contained .INI files, thus, you don’t have to worry about load…
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