
Using a .NET Assembly via COM in Delphi

This is mostly a reprise of an article I wrote back in 2004, but that I still refer people to. That linked version may eventually go away. I have not tested any of this recently, but will update based on feedback, and revisit as necessary. I found a recent utility that may be useful in this process: NirSoft DLL Export Viewer Abstract: Using .NET Assemblies as COM objects in Win32 programs is…
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C++Builder support for ISO C++ in version 10.4 Sydney

There have been several questions on forums and Stack Overflow about ISO C++ language support in the most recent release of C++Builder. This post includes links and information about C++Builder compilers that are built on top of the Clang open source compilers. Learn more…

Using C++17 Algorithms Library Parallel Sorting with C++Builder 10.4 Sydney for Win32 and Win64

C++Builder 10.4 Sydney supports the ISO C++17 standard in the Clang based compilers for Win32 and Win64. Part of the C++17 standard includes the Algorithms library that provides execution policies to support parallel operations. Below you will find a simple VCL example that uses the C++ std::vector and the algorithms library sort and parallel execution policy to sort random integers in the…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Ignore Changes with Custom Managed Records

Handling the OnChange event handler on a TEdit is great until you programmatically change the text and trigger your OnChange event handler again. It gets really fun if you have two TEdit boxes that update each other in their OnChange event handler. I was reading Automate…

10.4 Patch #2: Delphi code completion and IDE fixes

10.4 Patch #2, released yesterday, makes many tweaks and changes to DelphiLSP code completion Delphi 10.4 redesigned Code Insight, one of the most significant changes to the Delphi IDE in a decade. It’s now asynchronous and responsive, and uses the compiler as a service in a LSP server. It’s been very well received, with many people who had problems with code completion in the past now…
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C++Builder 10.3.3 Threading and TLS Patch

An issue withthread-local storage that could cause AVs on some Win64 machines has been resolved We’ve just released a patch for C++Builder 10.3.3 that resolves: RSP-27180 64-bit builds crash with threadsCreating and using a thread (eg std::thread) could result…

Attributes for Documenting TEMSDataSetResource

I recently blogged about a number of RAD Server topics, including using TEMSDataSetResource, (the component that enables a TDataSet to be expose as a RESTful resource, and manage all the List, Get, Put, Post, Delete methods – very cool!), how to set named parameters for the TEMSDataSetResource documentation (where multiple keys are passed in e.g. with Master Detail relationships (reviewed…
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