
Powerful Business Management iOS & Android App

Wood and timber have been a flourishing industry for thousands of years. Some of the oldest traces of early mankind include evidence that we were using wood to make our lives easier; as tables, for leverage on the slabs of Stonehenge, bridge pillars in ancient muddy causeways. Even arrows to help us obtain meat and food bowls in which to prepare and consume it. The dragon-headed Viking longships…
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Ultimate Hockey Playview Application Is Delphi Powered

Hockey is an immensely popular sport in North America, both in the USA and with Canada their Northern neighbors. Just to be clear for our British and European readers, in this article we are referring to the form of hockey played on ice-rinks, not the version played on grass. What does the Hockey Playview app do? With Hockey Playview coaches and players can view animated plays, drills and…
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High-Performance Integration For Humanitas

When your users are trying to access things like their health-plan information, the responsiveness of your apps can often be key. There is nothing more frustrating than clicking on a button in a mobile app and then waiting for what seems like a lifetime to get some sort of response. This is doubly important for healthcare apps like HumaSmart since your users are often attempting to obtain…
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Competitive BQGolf Viewer: Golf Management On Your Phone

BQGolf Viewer presents results of club golf competitions in real time (currently match plays only). If during the competition electronic scorecards are used (BQGolf MScorecard) then the players on their mobile devices enter hole results which are automatically transmitted to the main program (BQGolf) and then distributed to all mobile and laptop/desktop devices using BQGolf MViewer or BQGolf…
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