
Visualize Our Astounding Planet's Journey Around The Sun

No matter how big, successful or important we may, or may not, become in our lives we are all just tiny ants in a vast Cosmos. It’s humbling and useful to remember when you’re having a bad Monday or a terrific Tuesday that we’re each just one of 7.5 billion people hurtling around the Sun. That circuit of the Sun, of course, has fascinated humankind for thousands of years…
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Powered By Delphi: Rapid Prime Numbers Calculator For Kids

I remember being taught Prime Numbers at school. I’m sure you, like me, were told “a prime number can only be divided by itself and one“. It was a lot to take in at that early age when we were all still learning how to tie shoelaces so they stayed tied and questioning why we had to eat our vegetables instead of just surviving on ice cream. How do you make Prime Numbers…
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High-Performance Integration For Humanitas

When your users are trying to access things like their health-plan information, the responsiveness of your apps can often be key. There is nothing more frustrating than clicking on a button in a mobile app and then waiting for what seems like a lifetime to get some sort of…

Made In Delphi: An Astonishing Solar System Catalog

There is something quite wonderful about gazing up at the night sky. I recommend doing it often, although not while driving or operating heavy machinery (or light machinery, or sword juggling). When I was very young we were lucky enough to visit the London Planetarium. The incredible lightshow put on there was superbly explained by an expert astronomer and it lit in me an interest to this day…
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Showcase: Interactive Roman Numbers Kids Mobile App

I’m old enough to remember the days when movies used to have have copyright messages where the years were listed out in a series of letters. I like to think it added to the magic of the big screen movie experience to see things like MCMLXXVI underneath that roaring lion or a huge gong being banged to signal the start of a trip into the cinematic wonderland. A few years later our school was…
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