
Do You Know The German Word For "Sauerkraut"?

You know, the hardest part about learning a new language is remembering some of the more esoteric words and phrases. Does that error message say “syntax error” or “successful compilation”? Does that button really say “end” in Danish or has there been some kind of horrible misunderstanding? How do I exit VIM? Just kidding – nobody knows that. But…
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Meet Xpand - Beautiful, Simple And It's Totally Addictive

When it comes to computer games it’s often the simple ideas which are the most addictive and compelling. Hitting on a winning combination of simplicity but in a way which engages the game player so well they keep wanting more is like writing that elusive musical chorus; the ear worm, the thing which feeds some deep pleasure center of our distractible brains. Software developers are the…
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Mobile With Delphi: The Visually Stunning Wine Unit

Your mobile phone is not the first place to spring to mind when you think of wine. Mankind has had some sort of relationship with wine for centuries, possibly even thousands of years according to some reports. The oldest drinkable wine is known as The Speyer bottle which dates back to Roman times. Anyone who has seen ancient Roman and Greek mosaics will have noticed their apparent pre-occupation…
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Visualize Our Astounding Planet's Journey Around The Sun

No matter how big, successful or important we may, or may not, become in our lives we are all just tiny ants in a vast Cosmos. It’s humbling and useful to remember when you’re having a bad Monday or a terrific Tuesday that we’re each just one of 7.5 billion people hurtling around the Sun. That circuit of the Sun, of course, has fascinated humankind for thousands of years…
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