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Made In Delphi: An Astonishing Solar System Catalog


There is something quite wonderful about gazing up at the night sky. I recommend doing it often, although not while driving or operating heavy machinery (or light machinery, or sword juggling).

When I was very young we were lucky enough to visit the London Planetarium. The incredible lightshow put on there was superbly explained by an expert astronomer and it lit in me an interest to this day in all things astronomical and interstellar.

Delphi, reaching for the stars!

This wonderful Delphi application by French developer and Embarcadero MVP Gregory.Bersegeay follows in the same vein as those inspirational talks by helping explain the Solar System and the Messier catalog.

Photos and drawings are pulled from Wikipedia or members of Sky Stuff. A third page allows, depending on the sensors on your Android device, to obtain: – GPS position – Room temperature – Atmospheric pressure – Humidity – The flash can be used as a flashlight This information is useful for amateur astronomers to adjust their horses and rendered accounts of astronomical observations (CROA). You can edit your CROA with the application and then share them. The application is free for Android devices.

The app makes excellent use of the FireMonkey FMX cross-platform framework and uses custom skins to add that extra professional polish to the look and feel. It’s great to see what Delphi developers can do with our favorite development tool. Gregory, reaching for the cosmos, with a little help from RAD Studio Delphi and a lot of imagination.


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Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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