For those fortunate enough to have access to a pool all that splash-time fun comes at the price of a not inconsiderable amount of effort. Pools, on the face of it, seem to be not a huge amount more than fancy holes in the ground filled with water.
When you accidentally own a swamp
The reality is though that water is a delicate little ecosystem which can very quickly go from a place of…
Mobile With Delphi: The Visually Stunning Wine Unit
June 30, 2021
Your mobile phone is not the first place to spring to mind when you think of wine. Mankind has had some sort of relationship with wine for centuries, possibly even thousands of years according to some reports. The oldest drinkable wine is known as The Speyer bottle which…
How To Become The Ultimate World Anagram Champion!
June 28, 2021
Do you harbor a secret inner desire to be the next Professor Robert Langdon zooming around exotic tourist destinations and the world’s most beautiful landmark cities solving anagrams and saving The World from ancient secret societies? If so, you’d need to enjoy…
Powerful Business Management iOS & Android App
June 24, 2021
Wood and timber have been a flourishing industry for thousands of years. Some of the oldest traces of early mankind include evidence that we were using wood to make our lives easier; as tables, for leverage on the slabs of Stonehenge, bridge pillars in ancient muddy causeways. Even arrows to help us obtain meat and food bowls in which to prepare and consume it. The dragon-headed Viking longships…
Visualize Our Astounding Planet's Journey Around The Sun
June 22, 2021
No matter how big, successful or important we may, or may not, become in our lives we are all just tiny ants in a vast Cosmos. It’s humbling and useful to remember when you’re having a bad Monday or a terrific Tuesday that we’re each just one of 7.5 billion…
Whenever we try to represent The Earth we tend to use globes. The planet we live on is spherical, right? A flat stretch of sidewalk is… flat, isn’t it? Well, no, actually, it’s very far from flat. If you get down to the nitty gritty (literally, gritty)…
Ultimate Hockey Playview Application Is Delphi Powered
June 15, 2021
Hockey is an immensely popular sport in North America, both in the USA and with Canada their Northern neighbors. Just to be clear for our British and European readers, in this article we are referring to the form of hockey played on ice-rinks, not the version played on grass.
What does the Hockey Playview app do?
With Hockey Playview coaches and players can view animated plays, drills and…
I remember being taught Prime Numbers at school. I’m sure you, like me, were told “a prime number can only be divided by itself and one“. It was a lot to take in at that early age when we were all still learning how to tie shoelaces so they stayed tied and…
Incredible Wind Triangle Solving App Is Made In Delphi
June 13, 2021
We’ve written before about some of the wonderful ways Delphi developers are helping pilots with the difficult job of defying gravity in their aircraft. The reliability of Delphi applications and the cross-platform power of FireMonkey FMX framework, combined with the…
High-Performance Integration For Humanitas
June 10, 2021
When your users are trying to access things like their health-plan information, the responsiveness of your apps can often be key. There is nothing more frustrating than clicking on a button in a mobile app and then waiting for what seems like a lifetime to get some sort of response. This is doubly important for healthcare apps like HumaSmart since your users are often attempting to obtain…