In this CodeRage session, you can see how you can migrate your legacy C++ Builder code to new and fresh C++ easily with a strategy. What can you get from this session? Here is the overview:
Unicode in C/C++, VCL & WinAPIVCL String ClassesConverting text to and from UnicodeLoad and save Unicode characters to fileNew C/C++ data types for C-style strings“_TCHAR maps to”…
Get Started with InterBase Tablespaces
October 14, 2020
With every version of InterBase, we introduce new features that make the database experience easier for our users. When InterBase 2020 was released, we added several enhancements and a great new feature called Tablespaces.
What is an InterBase Tablespace?
A Tablespace is a…
Updated XML Mapper - MVP Project
October 14, 2020
Recently we launched a new experiment of opening up some internal projects for MVPs to work on. As opposed to some of our open-source initiatives like Bold, these are still owned by Embarcadero and a primary part of the product. This is something MVPs have requested the…
Customize The Display Mode Of The Cross Platform FireMonkey TListView Using ListViewCheckList Sample App
October 14, 2020
Viewing your valuable data in a List with ultimate user experience becomes the essential need in Modern Desktop and Mobile Applications. Some of the usecase needs to view the list items as check list .e.g Selecting Multiple items Add or Delete from a List. Delphi/C++ Builder offers robust components to do the job at design time or runtime with less code and made developer life…
NFC Library for iOS uses Core NFC API. This Library is not available for other platforms.
2. Components in the Demo and what they do
The Demo contains a tab control with three tab items, named Read NDEF, Write NDEF, Read TAG. Each tab…
Elegant Multi-Device FireMonkey Styles
October 13, 2020
This video presents building a profile screen for your multi-device application using the FireMonkey framework with both native UI support and custom styling. Highlighted in the video are custom multi-device styles included in Embarcadero’s premium style pack and…
Easily Learn To Work With Oracle Stored Procedures In Delphi On Windows With This Sample App
October 13, 2020
You can find theOraclStoredProcsample project at:
Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio Sydney | Samplesand then navigate to:Object Pascal\Database\FireDAC\Samples\DApt Layer\Oracl_StoredProcSubversion Repository:You can find Delphi code samples inGitHub Repositories. Search by name into the samples repositories according to your RAD Studio…
Easily Customize The Appearance Of The FireMonkey ListView Using The ListViewAddThumbAndCaption Cross Platform Sample App
October 13, 2020
Viewing your valuable data in a List with ultimate user experience becomes the essential need in Modern Desktop and Mobile Applications. Some of the usecase needs to toggle between the editingmode or viewing the list items with different appearance .e.g Selecting Multiple…
Learn About A Powerful Native HID USB Windows Library For Delphi Firemonkey By Winsoft
October 13, 2020
The Native HID library for Firemonkey is a library for communicating with Human Interface Devices. It uses Windows HID Api and supports both Windows 32 and Windows 64. A short video describes for to install the library in your Rad Studio.
Many Delphi and C++ Builder developers love DevExpress VCL Components. For instance, the grid component can be used in many places to show data from the data source. Moreover, there are more business components to show data understandably. DevExpress VCL Subscription will help you take your business solutions forward so you can deliver new, immersive experiences to delight your users…