DelphiNewsRAD ServerRAD Studio

Sqids: Integration with RAD Server and standalone library

With the launch of RAD Studio 12, RAD Server not only fully integrates the encoding Sqids library, but you can also use it in any other project through the new TSqidsEncoding class available in the System.NetEncoding.Sqids namespace. Sqids is a small open-source library that can produce short, unique, random-looking IDs from numbers. The best way to think about it is like a…
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C++DelphiIDENewsProductivityRAD StudioWebinar

RAD Studio 12 Questions and Answers!

On Thursday 9 November we held the launch webinar for Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 12. We had an unprecedented number of attendees, to the point of doing a rerun on Nov 30th. This QA represents questions raised in both. If you were unable to attend take a look at our replay here. We got hundreds of questions in the Q&A log. It is amazing seeing the interest and feedback and we reply in…
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DelphiTech Partner

Command-line Compilation Of Delphi Projects: Real-life Examples

Delphi app command-line compilation allows developers to compile a project in the background regime without the necessity to run IDE software. This approach is very useful for automating the compilation process, especially in those cases when you need to compile a lot of projects and/or libraries. Command-line compilation is conducted by means of the MSBuild command. The parameters of this command…
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DelphiFireMonkeyModernizationRAD StudioWindows

AI Translation: The Next Frontier In Language Translation

Dive into the world of AI-Translate, a simple yet powerful desktop application designed for seamless translation across over 100 languages. Leveraging groundbreaking large language models and offering a uniform user experience across various platforms through cross-platform development, it stands as a promising example tool in the next frontier of language translation. Explore its features and…
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