
Benchmark Study: Which Target Platforms Do Electron And Delphi Support?

Which target platforms do Delphi and Electron support? The “Discovering The Best Cross-Platform Framework Through Benchmarking” whitepaper evaluates two frameworks supporting multi-platform desktop application development: Delphi and Electron. Delphi Delphi, encapsulated in the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Studio IDE, is Embarcadero Technologies’ flagship product. A proprietary…
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C++DelphiIDERAD Studio

What Are Code Editors And What Is IDE Software?

Whether you’re new to programming or an expert developer, you need tools that make it easier to write and edit code. That’s why most developers these days use IDEs and code editors to simplify the process of coding and save time. An IDE software essentially consists of…
C++DelphiIDERAD Studio

An Introduction To App Builder Software For Mac

When choosing the best app builder software for Mac, we use many heuristics and yardsticks to measure and justify our decision. But the irony is if our decision is wrong, our company and our client also have to pay the price. We should be very logical and careful when choosing our development tools. There are many tools and routes available for Mac development. We should consider several things in…
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RAD Server and Sencha CRUD Grid

This post shows how to create a RAD Server REST Endpoint (JSON Web Service ) using the RAD Server Database Endpoints Wizard using a FireDAC Connection, to create REST Endpoints for CRUD functionality. And create a Sencha Web Client Application with a CRUD Grid for our data! RAD Server Steps 1. Using RAD Studio, Delphi or C++ Builder: File | New | Other | RAD Server | RAD Server Package | Click…
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Top 10 Webinars: C++ And C++Builder

IF C++ and C++Builder are part of your development repertoire (and even if they aren’t), we invite you to enjoy our top 10 webinars around both, plus a bonus video with a rather influential figure in the history of C++ (scroll to the bottom to find out who it…
CodeDelphiRAD Studio

How To Make A State-Of-The-Art Deep Learning App With Fastai

Did you know it’s easy to make use of some truly excellent Python libraries to super-charge your Delphi app development on Windows? Adding Python to your toolbox of Delphi code can enhance your app development, bringing in new capabilities which help you provide innovative and powerful solutions to your app’s users, which combine the best of Python with the supreme low-code and unparalleled…
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