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C++How-To'sModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Upgrading C++Builder 12.2: Tip #4 1/2: Check out compiler safety options

Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of useful information on why and how the new C++Builder matters to you, where this was the very end (so go watch the start!) Tip #4 1/2: Check out compiler safety options Did tip 4 worry you? It shouldn’t…
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C++ModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Upgrading C++Builder 12.2: Tip #2, Handling Old RTL

Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of useful information on why and how the new C++Builder matters to you, where this was the very end (so go watch the start!) Tip #2: Handling Old RTL The new Windows 64-bit Modern C++ toolchain is standards-compliant…
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InterBase ADO.NET Driver Version 10.0.2

Embarcadero has just released version 10.0.2 of the InterBase ADO.NET driver and its related Entity Framework support. This release updates the primary driver and the EFCore support up to the 10.x version of the equivalent Firebird driver, including: Primary driver supports…
DelphiModernizationNewsTech Partner

Read The Webinar: Why You Should Leave Delphi 7 Once And For All

This is an edited transcript of a Dev Days of Summer 2024 webinar by Embarcadero MVP Dion Mai titled “Why You Should Leave Delphi 7 Once And For All”. The original webinar is available on the Embarcadero YouTube Channel. Hello everyone, welcome to Delphi Dev Days of Summer,  and in this session we will see why you should leave Delphi 7 once and for all.  A little bit about myself.
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C++How-To'sIDEModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Practical Info: Packages in C++Builder 12.2

We’ve released the new Windows 64-bit Modern C++ toolchain over time: a preview in C++Builder 12.0 through to fully complete in 12.2 (dynamic package linking, CMake support, parallel building by default, etc.) In 12.2, it is a full replacement for the old Win64 toolchain. But we’ve seen a few customers say, ‘Looks exciting, and I want to use it, but where are packages?’ They’re here. The…
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C++How-To'sModernizationNewsRAD StudioWindows

Upgrading C++Builder 12.2: Tip #4 1/2: Check out compiler safety options

Welcome to a series of tips and tricks for taking advantage of the new Windows 64-bit Modern toolchain in C++Builder / RAD Studio 12.2! This builds on a webinar we did sharing a bunch of useful…