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Federal Institute of São Paulo is the newest partner of the Embarcadero Academic Program in Brazil

ifsp e o novo parceiro do programa academico

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sao Paulo – IFSP and Embarcadero Technologies form a partnership and will now make it available to teachers and students from all units of the Institute.

The Federal Institute of Sao Paulo

The Federal Institute of Sao Paulo is a century-old institution that has 41 units present throughout the State of SP, with more than 80 thousand students (official enrollment numbers in 2023), offering technical courses from secondary level, higher education to post-graduate level. degree, which makes the institution the largest federal institute in the country (Brazil).


The partnership

Some IFSP units already had the Embarcadero Academic Program on an individual basis. The partnership at an institutional level brings the product edition upgrade to these units and brings the Enterprise edition of RAD Studio to all.


A movement that began at the end of last year, the partnership brings, in addition to licensing, Embarcadero’s presence in activities such as training teachers and administrative technicians, publicizing projects, participating in fairs and competitions.
In practice, the IFSP now has the most current versions of Delphi and C++ Builder for its teachers and students in all units.

Papo Dev  – Celebration Live

Embarcadero do Brasil promoted on March 14th the now traditional Papo Dev , a live chat with the community, this time with the celebration of the partnership in the presence of Professor Tarcísio Leão, Director of Undergraduate Studies ( DGRA) from the Dean of Education, IFSP . In addition to the already traditional participants Dormevilly Tertius , Fernando Rizzato and Landerson Gomes .
The replay of Papo Dev is available by clicking on the image below (in Portuguese).

Pode ser uma imagem de 4 pessoas, sala de redação e texto que diz "PapoDEV H IFSP o novo parceiro da Embarcadero no nosso Programa Acadêmico"

“the expectation for the use of the platform in an institutional way, that is, available on all campuses, is the best. Whether it is for the possibilities in teaching: in classes, integrative projects, course completion works and teaching projects, or options in search and extension”. – Prof. Tarcísio Leão.

Still according to Prof. Leão, in addition to serving all levels at which the IFSP operates, from professional qualification to postgraduate studies, will serve both courses in the area of ​​computing and other areas that have programming disciplines in their curricular structure.
It is worth mentioning that the computing axis is the most present in the courses offered by the IFSP.

ifsp e o novo parceiro do programa academico

The IFSP also announced this partnership on its website:




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