C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

From Enhanced Training to Cutting-Edge Tooling: Embarcadero's Commitment to Elevating Your Development Experience

As many of you have noticed, a lot is happening at Embarcadero in 2024, and we have a lot more in store for you. We have one of our biggest releases in three years, we are bolstering our offerings in both training and tooling, and our passionate community continues to grow.  RAD 12 is Here! More to Come! With our development team’s great work with RAD Studio 12 and the upcoming 12.1…
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NewsRAD Studio

Federal Institute of São Paulo is the newest partner of the Embarcadero Academic Program in Brazil

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sao Paulo – IFSP and Embarcadero Technologies form a partnership and will now make it available to teachers and students from all units of the Institute. The Federal Institute of Sao Paulo The Federal Institute of Sao Paulo is a century-old institution that has 41 units present throughout the State of SP, with more than 80 thousand…
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A Complete Guide To The List Of Features In C++ 11

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages and it is being improved by every new C++ standard. The “Modern C++” term started with the release of the C++11 standards, and then the C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards followed. In the future C++23 is on the horizon already. Modern C++ consists of a lot of features of previous C++ standards too and, of course, those of the C Programming…
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Is Delphi A Memory Safe Language?

Last week, the US government released the report “Back To The Building Blocks: A Path Toward Secure And Measurable Software”. This report is part of the US Cybersecurity Strategy and focused on multiple areas, including memory safety vulnerabilities and quality…

How To Use The Firebase API To Add, Read, and Delete Data In A Realtime Document-Oriented Database

Currently, the use of a remote database for storing various types of data (such as product and user information for an online store, patient details in a clinic, etc.) is highly relevant. Also, more and more developers want to create cross platform apps to access the data on device targets such as Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. For this purpose, both traditional relational databases and…
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