
Incredibly Powerful Native Image Processing Library For Delphi And C++Builder Developers

At this current state, with Delphi, there are lots of possibilities to accomplish anything you want. Because with the power of the Delphi community we have a powerful Python for Delphi component which can be a bridge to utilize open-source big tech companies supported and funded libraries out there. For instance, you can use the Scikit-image library or the Mahotas, which allows you to work with…
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Code for Psychopaths, Report Issues for Friends

How often do you think about the people upstream and downstream from you in the software development lifecycle? The following is some lighthearted advice in the area of soft skills for software developers. When you write code you get bugs [insert test driven development argument here]. It takes time to test and fix those bugs, but realistically you can never be sure the code is bug free.
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