CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Quick Dive Into Delphi And The BlockChain, Cryptography, BitCoin, and More

Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. Public Key Encryption or Asymmetric cryptography is widely used cryptography which use different keys for encryption and decryption. Receiver needs to publish an encryption key, referred to as his public key which used for encrypt a message but…
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Easily Create Complex Word Files And Handle XML Files Efficiently In Delphi!

In this CodeRage session, you can find out how to do these tasks: Overview of OpenXml filesGetting the file propertiesCreating a simple Word fileCreating a complex Word file XML files are ZIP files with a special format. If we open a file, for example, a Word document file with the help of a Zip Manager, you can see that file is really a zip file with an XML file in it. In the XML…
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Learn To Use Styles To Create Visual Stunning VCL And FireMonkey Apps With Delphi/C++ Builder

What is a Style: A set of graphical details that define the look and feel of a VCL application/FireMonkey Application, Similar to a theme in Windows. A style permits you to change the appearance of every part and state of a control. For instance, a scroll bar has the following parts: frame, slider, and the two side buttons for each direction. The side buttons, for example, have the following…
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Key Target Platforms Update

I wanted to share some interesting data following a recent presentation looking into Modern Windows development. 75% of Windows Desktops use Windows 10! Source: StatCounter Windows 10 is now used by 3 out of every 4 Windows desktop machines! This market share is up around 10% in 2020, having originally passed Windows 7 back in late 2017. Windows 7 is down to around 18% and falling.
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