DelphiRAD Studio

Enterprise-Grade Restaurant Ordering Template App For iOS And Android Built With Delphi

Embarcadero Technologies’ GetIt portal contains a collection of industry-ready solutions. The majority of complete applications include documentation as well as reusable components and modules. These template applications are generic in nature, utilizing the most recent Delphi and C++ Builder development patterns and best use cases. Now, I would like to introduce the Restaurant…
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Backup and Restore Your InterBase Databases

All Database backup software reduces time, money and data loss due to corruption or system failure. With InterBase server, you get the same level of protection built in at no additional cost to you. Database backups can be stored locally or in a shared environment as part of…

Interesting Blood Donation Application Is Built With Delphi

Nabdha, available on Android (Arabic version) and Windows and developed in Delphi, searches for places where you can donate blood. According to the developer, “All you have to do is sign up. Once you’re a member, you may use the Nabdha page of apps on Facebook.” There doesn’t appear to be a Google Play version of this app yet but the app looks great! Screenshot…
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Using Apilayer REST APIs from Delphi

As you might have seen online, Idera (Embarcadero parent company) recently acquired apilayer, a company offering a number of REST API micro-services, ranging from IP address geolocation to email and phone number checks, from financial information to weather and flight…
DatabaseDelphiInterBaseRAD Studio

Free Source Code: RAD Server Field Services Industry REST API Template Solution For Your Business

You can rapidly build and deploy services-based applications withRAD Server. And you get pre-built Docker images for RAD Server on Linux available from Docker Hub. This means you can deploy your services on Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, or on-premise. There are severalindustry templatesbuilt with RAD Server and RAD Studio. One of the templates is the Field Service project…
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Learn How To Build A REST API App For iOS In 45 Minutes With Delphi

In this CodeRage session, you can find the most valuable information and best practices on building an application for iOS using Delphi FireMonkey. Easily learn how to build a real-world application using Delphi FireMonkey! Overview: Recipes app which fetches data from an open APIDeploying to App StoreAfter learning best practices, you can apply to your future projects easily As you…
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