
6 Books About Delphi You Should Read

Reading is an essential skill for Windows application development. Development is a nebulous and constantly expanding subject and I’ve noticed that the most successful coders, project managers and designers are often readers with a voracious appetite for consuming books on everything they possibly can to keep feeding a hunger for knowledge. Unlike a waistline, expanding your mind is rarely…
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DelphiHow-To'sNewsProductivityRAD Studio

Top 10 How To's: RAD Studio

RAD Studio 11 Alexandria comes with a wealth of new super features to boost your productivity and give you access to new services and advances capabilities. The best new features include support for High-DPI 4k screens, provisioning for Windows 11, design-time views of styles, and much more. Here are our 10 favorite picks for getting things done in RAD Studio. 1. How to Use New Platform…
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This Is How Technology Is Changing Windows IDE's Treatment

While the idea of integrated development environments (IDE software) dates back to 1983 when Borland launched TurboPascal, the first-ever editor-compiler integration, many believe the IDE wave really started with Microsoft’s Visual Basic and Delphi in the 1990s. Long vbefore even those early days, early developers would save their code on a variety of hard-copy mediums such as the IBM punch card…
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5 Ways To Make Use Of AI In Your Windows And Mobile Apps

AI is one of the most significant trends in the app development industry. We can witness that artificial intelligence is coursing into every regular activity of ours whether it is medicine, finance, production, cyber security through mobile and desktop applications. In…

Storing Enterprise Data on Mobile: How to Identify And Manage The Security Risks

Storing data on-device for apps on mobile is a practical and efficient way to manage data. However, it can present a number of security risks, both for data at rest and for data in transit. This is especially acute given that mobile devices wander with their owner everywhere, can be stolen or hacked, and vital data can be lost. The Full Impact of a Data Breach The real cost of a data breach can…
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