
5 Ways To Make Use Of AI In Your Windows And Mobile Apps

AI is one of the most significant trends in the app development industry. We can witness that artificial intelligence is coursing into every regular activity of ours whether it is medicine, finance, production, cyber security through mobile and desktop applications. In this article, you will learn how to transform your Windows development as well as that of other desktops such macOS or Linux…
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How-To'sNewsRAD Studio

Top 10 How To's: FireMonkey

The FireMonkey® framework is the multi-device, true native app development and runtime platform behind RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder. FireMonkey is designed for teams building multi-device, true native apps for Windows, OS X, Android and iOS, and getting them to app…

This Is How To Improve the Performance of .NET Apps

Microsoft’s .Net is one of the most popular technologies used by businesses to power mission-critical digital services. Millions of developers use C#, ASP.Net, etc., to develop different types of widely used software solutions, primarily for Windows development. Solutions which use .Net range from Windows client applications, database applications, XML web services to niche corporate…
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Supercharging Development Productivity - Replay

When someone writes as much code as you do, it is important to make sure you are getting the most productivity for your time. This webinar focuses on tools, tips, and techniques to supercharge your effectiveness. Get your work done quicker. It is up to you what you will do…

RAD Studio 11 Alexandria January PAServer Patch Available

Following the release of the general RAD Studio 11 Alexandria November Patch, the R&D team at Embarcadero is now making available an additional update to the Platform Assistant Server (PAServer) for the Apple macOS platform to support recent updates of the Apple operating systems and dev tools. This patch is not cumulative, so it doesn’t contain all of the fixes in the the November…
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DelphiRAD Studio

How To Create Real-Time Applications With SignalR On Windows

History on Client-Server Apps When the original web first came into widespread public use things were reasonably basic. Webpages were effectively specialized documents, like a library. Users clicked on links to articles they found interesting. Somewhere, perhaps on another side of the world, another computer or server was the destination for that click or as we came to call it: the request. The…
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