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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Learn Delphi Linux Server Deployment In 3 Minutes With This Tutorial

Delphi Linux Server Support was introduced in RAD Studio 10.2, and much has happened since then. Delphi Linux server supports RTL features such as Linux file system access, threading, Parallel Programming Library support, memory management, and HTTP and REST library support for HTTP calls. Furthermore, full remote debugging support on a Linux system. You can now create a graphical application…
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C++CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Learn How To Take Your Cross-Platform Development To The Next Level With Delphi FireUI

With the all-new FireUI Multi-Device Designer, design user interfaces across multiple devices using a master form to share all user interface code, then optimize derived views for each target platform and device. The existing native Desktop styles have been extended to cover the same UI elements as mobile styles, providing a 1:1 match with universal styling support across all platforms, giving the…
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C++DatabaseDelphiInterBaseRAD Studio

Learn How Easy It Is To Connect To Microsoft SQL Server Using FireDAC In RAD Studio

Connecting to Multiple Enterprise Databases is no more a time consuming task in making connections and login to databases. FireDAC is a Universal Data Access library for developing applications for multiple devices, connected to enterprise databases. With its powerful universal architecture, FireDAC enables native high-speed direct access from Delphi and C++Builder to InterBase, SQLite, MySQL, SQL…
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Learn About Powerful WebSockets Solutions For Delphi

TheWebSocket is a communication protocol, that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user’s browser and a server. With this, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll…

Buster's Introduction

Hello, world. I’m Buster (Adam Leone), a new member of the Embarcadero team as a software development intern. I’m primarily working with Jim McKeeth and will be focused on refreshing my stale college-era programming skills, learning the range of Embarcadero tools, and pivoting my military project management experience into the tech world. Expect to see me periodically blogging about…
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C++DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Flash Sale Ends Today! Multiple Opportunities Available

Note: These flash sale and promo offers have already ended and are no longer valid. The current End-of-Quarter flash sale opportunities for multiple companies in the Idera family, namely Embarcadero…