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Learn Delphi Linux Server Deployment In 3 Minutes With This Tutorial

Delphi Linux Server Support was introduced in RAD Studio 10.2, and much has happened since then. Delphi Linux server supports RTL features such as Linux file system access, threading, Parallel Programming Library support, memory management, and HTTP and REST library support for HTTP calls. Furthermore, full remote debugging support on a Linux system.

You can now create a graphical application for Delphi FireMonkey, which means FireMonkey on Linux! Embarcadero now includes FmxLinux with Delphi as of 2019. (starting from 10.3.2 Rio)

In this short tutorial, you can learn how to create Delphi Linux Server projects with Delphi. It covers:

  • Configuration Process
  • Demo in Action

If you want to deploy your Delphi FireMonkey application to the Linux OS, you can follow the links here!

Be sure to check out our other posts on C++ Builder, Delphi, and many other technologies.

In the next blog, learn about the value of the added full GUI and X windows support to the Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL2).

Interested to deploy your Linux server? Rapidly build and deploy services-based applications with the Rad Server’s IDE Software. Request a demo here.

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Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified

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