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Easily Convert C Code Into Delphi Code With Open Source Solution

Have you ever tried to convert your C programs into Delphi? If it is you? Here is the solution for you! C-To-Delphi–This tool will convert most of your standard C code. It contains a split view, with C on the left and Delphi on the right. The Delphi code gets updated in realtime when you edit the C code. The editors are kept in sync, so you can easily find how a specific…
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Powerful GIF Animation Creation Software For Windows Is Built In Delphi

Easy GIF Animator is a powerful animated GIF editor by Blumentals Solutions SIA for creating animated pictures, banners, buttons and GIF videos and it is built in Delphi. Online memes and animated gifs enjoy widespread usage and Easy GIF Animator is a great tool to take advantage of that trend. With powerful features like the ability to easily create GIF from video using a powerful built-in…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Vulkan-Based Game Engine For Object Pascal

Vulkan header generator and Vulkan OOP-style API wrapper for Object Pascal (FreePascal >= 3.1.1 FPC SVN revision 33196 and Delphi >= 2009) The Vulkan.pas binding header unit itself (including the vkxml2pas.dpr converter) is and stays also compatible with the old…
C++RAD Studio

Solve Complex Linear Algebra Problems With Eigen C++ Library

Since we learn C and C++ at university, we happen to get many projects related to Applied Math and Linear Algebra. And we should build an application to solve different complex problems with C/C++ (mostly C++). I have tried to implement some functions, for instance, dot product and cross product functions and also several matrix elimination functions. But, while stuck on implementing some methods…
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Advanced Screensaver Factory Creates Stunning Screensavers And Is Built In Delphi

Screensaver Factory is a professional screensaver generation software with unlimited royalty free commercial distribution and it is built in Delphi. They list Microsoft, Pfizer, EPSON, Verizon, AutoDesk, HSBC, Sony and Motorola in addition to thousands of smaller businesses among their many clients. According to their website it is the most advanced software of it’s kind and is very easy to…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure.