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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

FireDAC Tip: Write Database Independent SQL Commands With Escape Functions

Escape sequences allow for writing DBMS-independent SQL commands. The sample predefines some escape function sequences. To execute a predefined escape function, right-click the Function edit box and choose a predefined escape function from the popup menu. Moreover, the sample allows you to write your own function. To this end, write text into the Function edit box and press Enter. Then, the…
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InterBase Performance Monitor

As application developers, when there is a problem in our code we use tools to discover where those problem lies. Just like in code, when there is a problem with the database, we need to use specific tools that monitor and tune our databases.   When you are looking at…
DelphiRAD Studio

Powerful Enterprise-Grade Medical Office Industry Template Source Code For Your Business

In the last few RAD Server posts, we have seen several industry templates that can be a headstart for your business. For instance, theField Services Industrytemplate and theHospitality Industrytemplate. Today, we will explore another complete and complex Nurses template. RAD Server Nurses Demo– The connected nurses station showcases a common medical office…
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Powerful JEDI Code Library For Delphi And C++ Builder Developers Can Be A Massive Productivity Boost

Delphi and C++ Builder VCL community is so big that you can find a various set of libraries, functions and non-visual classes which can be instantly reused by developers. One of the popular libraries is the JEDI Code Library (JCL) – The library is built upon code donated from the JEDI community. It is fully documented and fully tested. The library is grouped into several categories such…
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Powerful IDE Colorizer Lets You Customize The RAD Studio Workspace With This Plugin

RAD Studio has two modes, dark and light. Since most of the developers love different kinds of dark modes, they might need several options to choose. But, currently, RAD Studio only offers two dark and light modes. There is a plugin called Delphi IDE Colorizer that helps to change the whole RAD Studio theme to different looks. In a simple word, you can alter the entire RAD Studio feel…
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Not a Hotdog! How to Use AI Object Recognition in Your Apps

I’m finally catching up with the articles to go with our Winter Webinars series. My guests and I have been showing you how to write genuine cross-platform low-code apps that do extraordinary…