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Powerful Enterprise-Grade Medical Office Industry Template Source Code For Your Business

enterprise grade medical office industry template source code for your business

In the last few RAD Server posts, we have seen several industry templates that can be a headstart for your business. For instance, the Field Services Industry template and the Hospitality Industry template. Today, we will explore another complete and complex Nurses template.

RAD Server Nurses Demo – The connected nurses station showcases a common medical office scenario that has been augmented and fully digitized with the use of IoT and RAD Server. The sample project is designed to provide a good overview of RAD Server’s capabilities.

embarcadero rad server nurses demo delphi c builder 3070270

Be sure to learn about RAD Server. With RAD Server, you can achieve high productivity when it comes to large and complex services-based applications. 

The Perfect Platform for Delphi and C++Builder Apps

Rapidly build and deploy services-based applications! RAD Server supports REST with JSON (or XML) parameter passing and return results. Publish APIs, manage connected users and devices, capture analytics about the use and users of applications, and connect to local and enterprise databases using FireDAC components. RAD Server also supports user authentication, push notifications, geolocation, and data storage.

  • Modernize. Migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services-based architecture that is secure and scalable.
  • REST End Point Publishing, An all-in-one turnkey foundation for your application back end APIs and Services.
  • Integration Middleware, Integrations provide out of the box connectivity with external servers, applications and services.
  • Application Services, Ready-to-use built-in services including user directory services and user management, push notifications, user location tracking, and built-in data storage.
  • Easy-To-Deploy RAD Server is easy to develop, deploy and operate making it ideally suited for ISVs and OEMs building re-deployable solutions.
  • Delphi and C++Builder Support. RAD Server works out of the box with Delphi and C++Builder.

Head over and check out the RAD Server Nurses Demo on the GetIt portal and download it from the IDE.

embarcadero getit rad server nurses industry template 1599389
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About author

Software Developer | CS(CyberSec) Undergrad at APU Malaysia | Delphi/C++ Builder Enthusiast | Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador | Microsoft Azure Certified

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