DelphiRAD StudioWebinar

How To Create A Real Windows App Step By Step Guide

Hello developers. Our previous sessions in our Winter Webinars series which showed you how to create a real Android app step by step” and “how to create a real iOS app (even if you do not have a mac)” were extremely popular. During the sessions I showed how to use RAD Studio 12 to create multi-platform apps to target Android and iOS devices. Building on that is the following…
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DelphiFireMonkeyRAD StudioWebinar

How To Create A Real iOS App (Even If You Do Not Have A Mac)

Hello developers. Our previous session in our Winter Webinars series which showed you how to create a real Android app step by step” was extremely popular. During the session I showed how to use RAD Studio 12 to create multi-platform apps to target Android devices. Building on that is the following session which shows how to create a real iOS app even if you don’t have a Mac, using RAD…
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C++CodeIDERAD Studio

This Is How To Develop Modern C++ Apps With C++ Builder 12

Hello C++ Developers, I am happy that in the last few years, IDERA Inc. Company and Embarcadero focused on supporting C++ more, which is a good strategy for the software industry. This support started with embracing the hugely popular Visual Assist product from WholeTomato as well as releasing a preview of the 64-bit CLANG compiler. In November, the new RAD Studio 12 with the new C++…
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C++DelphiIDENewsProductivityRAD StudioWebinar

RAD Studio 12 Questions and Answers!

On Thursday 9 November we held the launch webinar for Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio 12. We had an unprecedented number of attendees, to the point of doing a rerun on Nov 30th. This QA represents questions raised in both. If you were unable to attend take a look at our replay here. We got hundreds of questions in the Q&A log. It is amazing seeing the interest and feedback and we reply in…
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