DelphiRAD Studio

Easily Apply VCL Styles To Dialogs And More With Open Source VCL Styles Utils Project

The VCL Styles Utils is a Delphi library that extends the RAD Studio VCL Styles, adding unique features like the support for Classic and New Common dialogs, Task Dialogs, Styling of popup and shell menus, Non client area components, and much more. This library was used very successfully to apply styles more fully in Dev-C++. Features Vcl.Styles.Ext unit extended the VCL Styles…
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Powerful Real-Time Virtual Classroom Platform-As-A-Service Is Built In Delphi

Lumicademy is a platform-as-a-service for providing a real-time, virtual classroom experience that customers can add to their existing product or service and it is written in Delphi using Firemonkey. According to the developers if you need to add live video conferencing or desktop/document sharing to your existing application or service, then they provide the APIs and the native app experience.
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DelphiRAD Studio

Learn How To Create Flexible Cross-Platform FireMonkey Applications Using TFrameStand For Delphi

Create modern-looking applications with FireMonkeyTFrameStandandTFormStandcomponents from Andrea Magni, who is one of the Delphi and FireMonkey MVPs. Easily use TFrame or TForm descendants in your FireMonkey applications to gain visual consistency through the whole user experience and easily add modern-looking elements like effects and transitions. You can easily…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Vulkan-Based Game Engine For Object Pascal

Vulkan header generator and Vulkan OOP-style API wrapper for Object Pascal (FreePascal >= 3.1.1 FPC SVN revision 33196 and Delphi >= 2009) The Vulkan.pas binding header unit itself (including the vkxml2pas.dpr converter) is and stays also compatible with the old…
CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Discover COM Based Drag-And-Drop VCL Component Suite For Delphi

The drag and drop system that is built into the VCL is limited in that it only supports drag and drop within the same application. If you need to drag data from your application to other applications (e.g. Word, Explorer or Outlook), or if you need to be able to accept data dropped from other application (e.g. the Explorer), you have to use COM based drag and drop. COM based drag and drop is an…
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