
Add Interactive Gestures To Your Delphi/C++ Builder FireMonkey Mobile Applications

TheImageZoomsample demonstrates how to zoom an image on an iOS or Android device. The sample provides a picture and the user can zoom the picture by pinching it. You can find Delphi and C++ code samples inGitHub Repositories. Search by name into the sample repositories according to your RAD Studio version. To add native gestures to your mobile applications, you should…
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Learn About The Delphi Language Growth and Modern Capabilities

The Delphi has been blazing fast application development environment for over 25 years now and it continues on growth. Delphi is swift and capable of creating any application if you know how to use Delphi! Currently, with the Delphi, you can create apps for many operating systems: Microsoft WindowsAndroidmacOSLinuxiOS Moreover, capable of creating backend services and web…
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C++17 On Windows 10 With The C++ Builder

As you know from C++ Builder 10.3, we have support for the modern C++ 17 version. Here you can see the C++ 17 supportchart. In this CodeRage session, Dion Mai shows demo applications in action. You can find out how you can use the new C++ 17 functions and an updated C++17 standard library. What you can find in this session? Template InductionNested…
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