
Day 3 – Learn to Code Summer Camp 2021 - Now with More C++!

In keeping with our Build your own Summer Camp theme, today we are focusing on C++Builder. Before I jump into C++ learning resources, a reminder for the TCoffeeAndCode Live Stream and Danny Wind’s Introduction to REST WebServices. Monday we had a quick intro to installing C++Builder 10.4.2 CE. The following 13 video playlist walks you through some C++ Fundamentals: Once…
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Day 2 – Learn to Code Summer Camp 2021

We are starting our day with Danny Wind’s Introduction to REST WebServices in Delphi. This series runs over 4 days starting today at 10 AM Central Time, and has its own registration. This one is more advanced for developers already familiar with Delphi…

Introduction to REST WebServices in Delphi with Danny Wind (Webinar Series)

Every App and application needs a REST web service Introduction to REST WebServices in Delphi with Danny Wind is a live series of four 1-hour sessions, each on creating web services (with WebBroker) in Delphi. This series is ongoing and has been published at Blaise Pascal Magazine. Total just over 50 pages of explanation and exercises. Each session would be live, very little slides with the…
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Day 1 - Learn to Code Summer Camp 2021

Check out Day 2 & Day 3 The response so far has been amazing. We have almost 7,000 students from 175 different countries registered so far, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we pass 10K before it is over. Here is a little chart breaking down the countries everyone…

Join the RAD Studio 11 "Olympus" Wallpaper Contest!

In Marco’s blog post about the Olympus beta, you learned that the next version of RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder will be number 11. You also learned the code name for the beta: Olympus. I don’t know about you, but the combination of Delphi spartan helmet, images of Athena, and the code name Olympus have me very excited to see the kind of wallpaper our talented community can…
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