C++DelphiRAD StudioWebinar

How To Create A Real Linux App Step By Step Guide

Hello developers. Our previous sessions in our Winter Webinars series which showed you how to create a real Android app step by step“, how to create a real iOS app (even if you do not have a mac), how to create a real windows app, and how to create a real Mac app, are extremely popular. Have you spotted the theme yet? 🤪 During the previous sessions I showed how to use RAD Studio 12 to…
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Some Embarcadero Servers Are Experiencing A Hardware Outage

Many of you will have noticed by now that we are currently experiencing disruption to some of our services. In particular the RAD Studio installer, the GetIt package manager in the IDE, our Quality Portal, the DocWiki documentation site, certain authentication functions in…
DelphiRAD StudioWebinar

How To Create A Real Windows App Step By Step Guide

Hello developers. Our previous sessions in our Winter Webinars series which showed you how to create a real Android app step by step” and “how to create a real iOS app (even if you do not have a mac)” were extremely popular. During the sessions I showed how to use RAD Studio 12 to create multi-platform apps to target Android and iOS devices. Building on that is the following…
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DelphiRAD StudioWebinar

How To Create A Real Android App Step By Step Guide

Hello developers. I hope you are keeping safe and well. Our next session in our Winter Webinars series was extremely popular. During the session I showed how to use RAD Studio 12 to create multi-platform apps to target Android devices. I took viewers through the steps necessary to make an Android device work – and we even had one developer watching who had been previously unable to get their…
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DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Marco Cantú wins the Niklaus Wirth Award for Most Valuable Contributor To Pascal

We are very pleased to announce that our very own Marco Cantú has been given the Niklaus Wirth Award by The International Pascal Congress hosted by The University of Salamanca in Spain. The citation from the jury finishes with the sentence “Marco Cantù is one of the most brilliant, original, and distinguished figures of Pascal Community”. I don’t think we could have said it better…
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