
Windows 11: A Beautiful Meteor Will Wipe Out The Dinosaurs

Windows 11 is coming. It’s a fact – and it’s the gorgeous visual tweaking of the Windows desktop, start menu, taskbar, and even the rendering of things like your application’s window borders and “non-client area”. It’s Microsoft’s new glorious shooting star launching itself at the unwary peoples of the world from out of the clouds… and it’s going to wipe out the dinosaurs.
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Extract, Transform, Load - The Magic Behind HeidiSQL

HeidiSQL is a wildly successful open source database management tool. Apart from being extremely useful in the management of MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases, it is also open-source and that source code is written in Delphi. Furthermore, if we integrate it with IDE Software like RADStudio, it will be more powerful. Moving on, we’ve already given a brief overview of it before…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Add STOMP to your apps for lightweight real-time streaming

STOMP is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol that allows for very lightweight communications between almost any mixture of programming languages, operating system platforms, and “message brokers”.  This article goes into detail about what STOMP is, why you would want to use it, some quick-start hints to get you up and running, and a fully working example of using STOMP in your IDE Software…
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