Case StudyDelphiDeveloper InterviewsRAD Studio

How Delphi Helped Us Stay Out Of Jail

One of the frequent enterprise software uses I’ve heard of for RAD Studio with Delphi is in the banking or financial industries. It seems like these markets focus on Windows app development and the more you look the more you find Delphi is whizzing away behind the scenes. Delphi’s powerful data handling and rock-solid reliability and robustness means it enjoys a very positive…
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DelphiRAD Studio

How Did Delphi Perform In A Genuine Coding Competition?

Right now, there is a whole tsunami of really great FREE cross platform development content being broadcast as part of DelphiCon 2023 our celebration of Delphi’s 28th birthday. This article accompanies the second of my four sessions and focuses on my approach to participating in a competitive analysis of how RAD Studio with Delphi would perform carrying out the development of an app when…
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DelphiRAD Studio

DelphiCon 2023 - Every App Trick In The Book

February is always a busy time for us at Embarcadero as we celebrate the birthday of our favorite programming language and IDE software! Today’s post accompanies the first of my four planned sessions for DelphiCon 2023. The slides and images to go with it can be…
Case StudyDelphiFireMonkeyRAD StudioShowcase

This Is How Delphi Helps Document Your Terrible Toothbrushing!

We’ve had some remarkable entries for our Enterprise Article competition. It never ceases to amaze me how many different industries and places in our lives that RAD Studio with Delphi and C++ Builder are just quietly doing magnificent things. Today’s enterprise article from Anouar Hamza Cherif is about his experience with cross platform development to create a multiplatform app for…
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Case StudyDelphiDeveloper InterviewsRAD StudioShowcase

World's Best Fruit Fly Research Engine Is Built With Delphi

They may be tiny, but fruit flies are actually hugely popular to researchers trying to unfurl the secrets of life itself. In this Enterprise Article entry Delphi developer David Schwartz discusses why he believes Delphi is very definitely the best choice of low code application platform and how he has leveraged his Delphi programming skills to branch out and create extremely powerful web apps…
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