This is the final entry in the Enterprise Article challenge. We’ve had some great submissions from all kinds of developers who are using RAD Studio with Delphi and C++ Builder for Windows app development as well as a whole host of cross-platform apps for Android and iOS too. I am so grateful to you all for taking part. All the authors of the published articles will be contacted shortly, and…
During webinars I like to demonstrate how powerful RAD Studio with Delphi is for creating cross platform apps and how absolutely easy it is to do. I often make the point that I don’t want to work too hard which is why I like RAD Studio with Delphi – it does all…
Today’s enterprise article focuses on a long-running Windows development large-scale project brought to us by Didier Cabalé. Didier describes “SCULi” which forms the backbone of diagnosing maintenance issues for Liebherr’s extensive range of products…
This Is How We Optimized Brazilian Large Scale Drug Distribution
February 27, 2023
Today we have an Enterprise Article entry from that hotbed of Delphi developers, Brazil. Landerson Gomes takes us through how the strong cross platform development capabilities of RAD Studio with Delphi allowed him to help a drug distribution company streamline its processes and overcome challenges across multiple industries.
How did it all begin?
I’ve always been closely following…
The Story Of Too Much Code And An Imaginary Friend
February 23, 2023
We’ve had quite a diverse array of submissions for our Enterprise App Article Challenge. Most have helped demonstrate the strengths of RAD Studio with Delphi as a highly efficient low code programming language. Several have featured component sets and technologies like…
C++ Builder Is The Trusted Enabler For This SAMD
February 22, 2023
A C++ Builder article today from our Enterprise Software article challenge. Today C++ app developer Courant describes their experiences with creating what they describe as “Software As A Medical Device” or SAMD. It’s not a term I’ve heard before, I…
How Delphi Helped Us Stay Out Of Jail
February 21, 2023
One of the frequent enterprise software uses I’ve heard of for RAD Studio with Delphi is in the banking or financial industries. It seems like these markets focus on Windows app development and the more you look the more you find Delphi is whizzing away behind the scenes. Delphi’s powerful data handling and rock-solid reliability and robustness means it enjoys a very positive…
How To Build High-quality Cross-platform Apps With Agile Test Automation
February 20, 2023
Two of the hardest things in software development are estimating how long a project will take to complete and whether or not that project is bug free. This has become even more impossible as technology progresses. Agile test automation attempts to address this in some very…
This Is My Experience With Delphi - A Glowing Personal Endorsement
February 20, 2023
We’ve had a really great mixture of entries for our Enterprise Development Article competition. Developers have waxed lyrical about how they use our favorite IDE software to create everything from having nothing more than milliseconds to defeat a hacking attack to the…
How Did Delphi Perform In A Genuine Coding Competition?
February 15, 2023
Right now, there is a whole tsunami of really great FREE cross platform development content being broadcast as part of DelphiCon 2023 our celebration of Delphi’s 28th birthday. This article accompanies the second of my four sessions and focuses on my approach to participating in a competitive analysis of how RAD Studio with Delphi would perform carrying out the development of an app when…