DelphiNewsRAD Studio

Marco Cantú wins the Niklaus Wirth Award for Most Valuable Contributor To Pascal

We are very pleased to announce that our very own Marco Cantú has been given the Niklaus Wirth Award by The International Pascal Congress hosted by The University of Salamanca in Spain. The citation from the jury finishes with the sentence “Marco Cantù is one of the most brilliant, original, and distinguished figures of Pascal Community”. I don’t think we could have said it better…
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C++DelphiNewsPythonRAD ServerRAD Studio

Embarcadero Welcomes Ian Barker to Developer Advocate Role

If you have watched any of Embarcadero’s online content, attended a RAD Studio webinar, or been to one of the in-person events you will most likely know the wonderful Jim McKeeth. Jim has been the Chief Developer Advocate and Engineer for Embarcadero since July 13th, 2013, just short of ten years. Today, however, the big news is that Jim is leaving Embarcadero and moving on to a new role as…
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Case StudyDelphiDeveloper InterviewsRAD StudioShowcase

This Excellent Cross-Platform Delphi App Has 6500+ Mobile App Store Downloads

During webinars I like to demonstrate how powerful RAD Studio with Delphi is for creating cross platform apps and how absolutely easy it is to do. I often make the point that I don’t want to work too hard which is why I like RAD Studio with Delphi – it does all the hard work for me and makes me look great! I get up every day and write code – and I write that code in the Delphi…
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DelphiDeveloper InterviewsRAD StudioShowcase

The Story Of Too Much Code And An Imaginary Friend

We’ve had quite a diverse array of submissions for our Enterprise App Article Challenge. Most have helped demonstrate the strengths of RAD Studio with Delphi as a highly efficient low code programming language. Several have featured component sets and technologies like FireDAC, and RAD Server has been mentioned in more than a few. I have to say, though, this is the first article submission…
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