C++CodeDelphiHow-To'sRAD StudioWebinarWindows

Saving And Remembering Settings The 'Right' Way - Webinar Replay

We positively bustled onwards with our webinar series showing you the basics of cross-platform and Windows software development with some nice bite-sized sessions. It’s very gratifying to hear from those of you who are enjoying these laid-back sessions where I’ve tried to make it more of a social experience than a dry, stale, technical lecture. Thanks to those of you who have been…
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C++DelphiFireMonkeyIDEModernizationRAD StudioWebinar

The Fundamental Secrets Of Good UI Design - Webinar Replay

Our recent series of webinars continued this past week with a look at how ridiculously fast and easy it is to create cross-platform apps with RAD Studio. You can very quickly design apps with RAD Studio which are powerful, modern, with rock-solid reliability – Delphi apps, for example, are notorious for just working with absolutely no dependencies and will happily continue operating even…
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The New Quality Portal Is Live - Here Are The Details

Hot on the heels of our announcement that RAD Studio 12.1 is now available we have some more good news; the new Quality Portal is now live and ready for you to use! What Is The Embarcadero Quality Portal? The Quality Portal, usually more simply referred to as QP, is a…

Matthias Eißing, Technical Consultant at Embarcadero DACH

It is with deep sadness that we bid farewell to our long-time colleague and friend Matthias Eißing, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on 14 February 2024 at the age of 53. We are were all extremely shocked by the news of his death. Matthias leaves behind his partner of many years, Maria, and all of us, in profound mourning. Many knew Matthias as a very competent and technically adept…
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C++DelphiRAD StudioWebinar

How To Create A Real Linux App Step By Step Guide

Hello developers. Our previous sessions in our Winter Webinars series which showed you how to create a real Android app step by step“, how to create a real iOS app (even if you do not have a mac), how to create a real windows app, and how to create a real Mac app, are extremely popular. Have you spotted the theme yet? 🤪 During the previous sessions I showed how to use RAD Studio 12 to…
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