
How To Become The Ultimate World Anagram Champion!

Do you harbor a secret inner desire to be the next Professor Robert Langdon zooming around exotic tourist destinations and the world’s most beautiful landmark cities solving anagrams and saving The World from ancient secret societies? If so, you’d need to enjoy unscrambling fiendishly difficult word tangles to reveal their original form. It’s not easy, but anagrams have existed…
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This Native High-Accuracy Walking Profiler Can Measure Reality

Whenever we try to represent The Earth we tend to use globes. The planet we live on is spherical, right? A flat stretch of sidewalk is… flat, isn’t it? Well, no, actually, it’s very far from flat. If you get down to the nitty gritty (literally, gritty) ground level it is, in fact, a rolling landscape of microscopic hills and mountains with sweeping gullies. The Walking Profiler…
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Incredible Wind Triangle Solving App Is Made In Delphi

We’ve written before about some of the wonderful ways Delphi developers are helping pilots with the difficult job of defying gravity in their aircraft. The reliability of Delphi applications and the cross-platform power of FireMonkey FMX framework, combined with the skillful craftwork of the software engineer seems to lend itself very neatly to solving problems. Aviation is one of those…
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Developer Stories: Ronald Krause Talks To Us About VitiMonitoring

Ronald Krause has been using Pascal Delphi ever since Turbo Pascal 3.0. His showcase entry VitaMonitoring was a fantastic addition to the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we got to interview him regarding his Delphi experiences. When did you start using RAD Studio Delphi and have long have you been using it? I started with Turbo Pascal 3.0 and have been using Delphi ever since. There were…
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