
Powered by Delphi: The Ultimate App For Tinnitus Sufferers

It’s often overlooked that writing a Delphi application can make a real difference to people’s lives in a very meaningful and profound way. Tinnitus Help by US Developer Mango Chutney may just be one of those game-changing Delphi mobile apps. According to the US Center For Disease control and the American Tinnitus Association, around 15% of all Americans, around fifty MILLION…
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Automate Aircraft Workflow With Delphi And A Mobile Phone

If you’re like me flying is probably a slightly mystical experience. You’re not entirely sure how the plane defies gravity and the job of a pilot seems to involve a bewildering array of switches, dials and incredibly expensive sunglasses. There’s a lot more going on, of course, beyond the cockpit and safety briefings. Modern flights, even in smaller aircraft, involve much more…
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Developer Stories: Brian Thomson Shares Insights On His Pro Workout Application

Brian Thomson has been using Delphi since its 1.0. Brian submitted a showcase entry (Helpful Workout Application Is Delphi Powered) to the Delphi 26th Showcase Challenge and we interviewed him to learn more about his experiences with Delphi. You can find out more about his application and download it here on Pro Workout. When did you start using RAD Studio/Delphi and have long have you been using…
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Ground-Breaking App For Transgender & Gender-Variant People

‘Twilight People’ is a landmark project that helps users discover and celebrate the hidden history of transgender and gender-variant people of faith in the UK past and present – and it’s written with RAD Studio Delphi and the Firemonkey framework. In the words of the developer: “this collection is the first source of faith and transgender history in Britain. The…
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