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Case StudyDelphiDeveloper InterviewsShowcase

How I Risked My Professional Career And Won

A heart-warming article today from Delphi developer Matthew Kenneth Bieschke. Matt takes us through his early days working hard at a job which he enjoyed but felt ultimately unfulfilling. He describes how he quite literally stumbled upon Delphi as he was stacking the software sales shelves of a retail store. It was the beginning of a love affair with our favorite ide software which is still going…
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Case StudyDelphiRAD StudioShowcase

The Story Of The $800 Million Dollar Bug Report

Not many people see Windows development as a high-octane, nerve-fraying, roller-coaster ride. It’s fair to say we software developers are also not known for our thrill-seeking behavior, often leaning towards basking in the warm, safe, comfortable glow of an array of screens, and clicky keyboards. Occasionally the bugs we inadvertently create can lead to awkward conversations at best and yes…
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A Summary of Year 2022 for RAD Studio (and Delphi)

What happened in 2022 for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder? Here are a few highlights — and also a quick look at what’s coming soon February 2022 Delphi 27th Anniversary, along with the release of an Innovation Timeline Infographic and a Delphi WinUI 3…
C++RAD Studio

5 Modern C++ Examples To Learn C++

Hello C++ developers. If you want to dive deep into C++ programming, then the LearnCPlusPlus website is the right place in 2023 with many modern and professional examples that can be compiled by anyC++ Code Editor. Last year on LearnCPlusPlus we mostly focused on…
RAD Studio

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development: 5 Best Frameworks in 2023

As the use of mobile devices is increasing drastically, businesses worldwide are creating their own mobile apps. These apps allow businesses to convey information about their products or services efficiently, improve customer relationships, and build brand loyalty. However, as people today own different types of devices, it’s essential that your mobile apps work seamlessly on several…
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This is How To Sort in Modern C++

Hello C++ developers. this week we have more modern C++ examples that can be compiled by any C++ IDE and compiler. If you want to dive deep into C++ programming, then the LearnCPlusPlus website is the right place for you. We keep adding more features of modern C++ and how…
InterBaseNewsRAD Server

Official Docker Containers Updated for 11.2

The official PAServer, RAD Server, and InterBase Docker images are all updated to work with 11.2. The 10.x images used Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver) while the updated 11.3 images use Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish). You can find the images on Docker Hub, or the individual Dockerfiles and build instructions are on GitHub. Documentation Some basic introductory documentation. Check…
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Not a Hotdog! How to Use AI Object Recognition in Your Apps

I’m finally catching up with the articles to go with our Winter Webinars series. My guests and I have been showing you how to write genuine cross-platform low-code apps that do extraordinary…