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CodeDatabaseDelphiInterBaseRAD Studio

Easily Establish an InterBase Temporary Connection Definition at Run-Time With Delphi

The InterBase getting started sample shows how to create a temporary connection definition at run-time with InterBase database. This sample allows the user to do: Temporary connection definition at run-time. Master-details relationship between datasets using TFDQuery. Transactions handling with TFDTransaction. Management of InterBase database such as: managing users, creating…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Learn How To Do Unit Testing In Delphi With The Powerful DUnitX Framework

Unit Testing is a type of software testing where specific units or segments of the software are tested. The goal is to validate that each unit of the software code executes as expected. Unit Testing is done during the development of an application by the developers. DUnitX is an open-source unit test framework based on the NUnit test framework, including some ideas from xUnit as well. The RAD…
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New FireUI App Preview on Play Store

When FireMonkey introduced the FireUI Preview a few releases back, the application was available in the Google and Apple stores, to simplify the deployment to a device. The same app is also a demo available as source code, but that requires a few configuration steps to be…

Using InterBase Change Views

With Change Views, you have this patented method to work with that is a lot easier to develop and scale for your customer base. Using InterBase Change Views, you can now identify specifically what deltas have changed at the field level. Change views are a subscription based…
DelphiRAD Studio

Easily Apply VCL Styles To Dialogs And More With Open Source VCL Styles Utils Project

The VCL Styles Utils is a Delphi library that extends the RAD Studio VCL Styles, adding unique features like the support for Classic and New Common dialogs, Task Dialogs, Styling of popup and shell menus, Non client area components, and much more. This library was used very successfully to apply styles more fully in Dev-C++. Features Vcl.Styles.Ext unit extended the VCL Styles…
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Not a Hotdog! How to Use AI Object Recognition in Your Apps

I’m finally catching up with the articles to go with our Winter Webinars series. My guests and I have been showing you how to write genuine cross-platform low-code apps that do extraordinary…