
Showcase: Interactive Roman Numbers Kids Mobile App

I’m old enough to remember the days when movies used to have have copyright messages where the years were listed out in a series of letters. I like to think it added to the magic of the big screen movie experience to see things like MCMLXXVI underneath that roaring lion or a huge gong being banged to signal the start of a trip into the cinematic wonderland. A few years later our school was…
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MindGlow Is A Powerful Mindful Meditation App

According to the US CDC, the social and interpersonal restrictions which arose during the COVID-19 world pandemic was accompanied by a substantial uptick in stress and anxiety levels. People were apparently finding that the isolation brought about by social distancing measures along with a corresponding impact on work and financial insecurity was unsettling and many seem to have found it difficult…
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Real World Drama In This Exciting GPS Motorcycle Game

The great thing about RAD Studio Delphi is that the Firemonkey framework does a lot of the hard work for you in your mobile apps. Things like integrating with the mobile device’s hardware and sensors are made much less complicated by the power of the components and runtime library. Combine that with your own imagination and you can come up with something wonderful like WarmerKouder by Dutch…
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A Clean Workflow: Are You A Secret Soaper?

If you’re anything like me you don’t probably put a huge amount of thought into the workflow processes that go into making a bar of soap. In fact, most of the time I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about what soap is actually MADE from let alone how it’s made. I mean, I know there’s something called “parfum” and if I pay a bit extra the soap has…
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