CodeDelphiRAD StudioTech Partner

All You Need To Know About The Open Source AsmProfiler 32-Bit Profiler Written In Delphi And Assembly

AsmProfiler is a full tracing 32bit profiler (instrumenting and sampling), written in Delphi and some assembly. AsmProfiler stands for “assembly profiler” because the heart of the profiler is written in assembly. According to the author of the project: “There are some (good) profilers available, but these are: Too expensive, and I want that every programmer can use a…
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Learn How The Delphi RTL Improves Efficiency With Fewer Lines of Code

Delphi RunTime Library gets enhanced with each new Delphi release, but often these improvements hide behind many flashier features. In this session, you can find out some of these fantastic RTL features. For instance, you have this Delphi code: if value = 0 then Result := 'Zero' else Result := 'Non-Zero'; As you can see this is 4 lines of code. You might have seen that in…
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Easily Manipulate Text With The FlashText Python Library In A Delphi Windows App

We know how to search or replace text in our Delphi/C++ Builder using Regular Expressions. Similarly, Python’s standard library and some other low-level modules help to search or replace text using Regular Expressions. However, to perform the search or replace keywords in documents at scale from within Python, the performance of python standard library regular expressions is not fast enough. To…
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