DelphiRAD Studio

Easily Apply VCL Styles To Dialogs And More With Open Source VCL Styles Utils Project

The VCL Styles Utils is a Delphi library that extends the RAD Studio VCL Styles, adding unique features like the support for Classic and New Common dialogs, Task Dialogs, Styling of popup and shell menus, Non client area components, and much more. This library was used very successfully to apply styles more fully in Dev-C++. Features Vcl.Styles.Ext unit extended the VCL Styles…
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New Years Resolution: Learn. Teach. Repeat.

The title of this blog post may combine two somewhat overly familiar ideas, but it’s highly appropriate for the goals we have set. Learning and teaching Delphi is paramount for our success, and we plan to keep doing more of it in the New Year. Delphi education helps…
CodeDelphiIDERAD Studio

Easily Customize The Syntax Editor Coloring In Delphi With The Third Party Delphi IDE Theme Editor

The Delphi IDE Theme Editor lets you customize the syntax highlighting editor within the Delphi IDE. Additionally, full source code is available for it as well. Delphi has this functionality built in but if you want more custom settings to get in there and really tweak the editor to be just how you like it take a look. Set and edit IDE color settings from scratch or import existing themes from…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Discover A Practical CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Burner Windows Component Suite For Delphi By WINSOFT

Introduction Delphi Builder components for preparing and burning images to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray optical storage media. Uses standard Windows Image Mastering API 2. 2. Components in the Demo and what they do The Demo contains some labels with text, as well as TEdits for the directory paths and file names. The ‘Create Image’ button call the button onClick event…
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CodeDelphiRAD Studio

Discover The Popular Alcinoe Library Of Visual And Non-Visual Components For Delphi

The article on Github is really detailed. So don’t waste time to check all of the Alcinoe features! According to Github, the library provides: Full opengl video player for FireMonkey;WebRTC Delphi wrapper;Firemonkey native iOS/Android TEdit and TMemo;Fast/double-buffered FireMonkey controls with native draw;Improved FireMonkey controls;Firebase cloud messaging;Android/iOS…
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