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New Years Resolution: Learn. Teach. Repeat.

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The title of this blog post may combine two somewhat overly familiar ideas, but it’s highly appropriate for the goals we have set. Learning and teaching Delphi is paramount for our success, and we plan to keep doing more of it in the New Year. Delphi education helps popularize Embarcadero products, of course, but more importantly, it serves our community and your customers. Delphi is awesome, and new developers are missing out. As we approach the New Year we are thinking about our most important efforts for 2021, which can be grouped under two broad headings: Product, and Education.


The number one area of focus, of course, is Product. Two important releases, probably three, are already in the works. 10.4.2 will provide important quality improvements, completing the LSP upgrade effort and addressing many other productivity areas. The product team also has more creative ideas to open up the IDE and make building new features easier. We are also thinking about how to further improve onboarding and bring more low-code features into RAD Studio. 10.5 is shaping to be a really nice release (see 2020 roadmap), and we may be able to sneak-in a 10.5.1 release as well. RAD Studio is a huge product and we realize that not every release affects all the areas that need improvement, but the team is working tirelessly and with heightened enthusiasm to move the product forward. We also are deepening collaboration with our many technology partners to bring more advances to the Delphi community. Our shared goal is simple: to allow you, the developers, to build better products more easily.


The second area of focus is Education. Prior to joining the Embarcadero team, my work was centered around expanding educational opportunities internationally. While I was in a much different industry the goal was the same, to use education as a launchpad for learners. This starts with content and builds into the community. Much has already been achieved in this direction with Embarcadero Academy, Bootcamps, LearnDelphi, and other initiatives, but we want to do more. We want to ensure developers can find Delphi education on every online training platform. We want more education systems to adopt Delphi for their computer curriculums. We want better self-learning tools, but also easier learning within RAD Studio. 

We want to teach how Delphi relates to and can be used with, other languages such as Python (we had over 4K people participate in our initial Webinars). We also want stronger connections with the Open Source community, which is key for innovation. We will continue to promote both commercial and non-commercial projects that help grow our ecosystem. There are a number of exciting new books for Delphi, including:

object pascal handbook delphi 104 sydney edition  code faster in delphi  delphi high performance  delphi gui programming with firemonkey 1

New Education Packages

We have developed several education packages to help kick off the New Year. Users of C++Builder will get access to courses in advanced C++ and RAD Studio in English and German. Delphi developers will get access to two online courses in English, one on mobile development and another on RAD Server. Some of our partners are committed to offering these courses in local languages as well.

These education packages are available free for subscribers who purchase licenses before the end of the year and are offered on top of all available discounts.

We also want to hear your views on how we should improve our education efforts. We do a lot of surveys to discover what our audience wants, but I encourage you to reach out to me directly. If you would like to offer a class or have an idea about how to package one, or are planning to release a Youtube video we should know about, let us know.

Please email me at:  [email protected]

HUGE End Of Year Discounts. ACT NOW!

2020 has been a tough year for the world, but we are determined to welcome 2021 on a high note. That’s why we are offering a huge 20+20 Special End-of-Year discount on All Products. Click here to take advantage of this one time 40% off discount and hit the ground running in 2021!

Bonus Offer: For those of you who have yet to renew your support and maintenance, we’re also offering discounts to close out the year. Contact our renewals team directly to see what you qualify for!


See What's Coming in 12.2 Athens Dev Days of Summer 2-24

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About author

GM - Developer Tools at Idera, Inc. Creative problem solver with strong business development skills and an eye for strategic partnerships.

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