
Powered by Delphi: The Ultimate App For Tinnitus Sufferers

It’s often overlooked that writing a Delphi application can make a real difference to people’s lives in a very meaningful and profound way. Tinnitus Help by US Developer Mango Chutney may just be one of those game-changing Delphi mobile apps. According to the US Center For Disease control and the American Tinnitus Association, around 15% of all Americans, around fifty MILLION…
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Delphi Versatility: FelixGO Workflow Logistics Android App

FelixGO is the smartphone version of Felix Tools from German-based Felix Systems Logistics Factory and it is built using RAD Studio Delphi and the versatile Firemonkey FMX cross-platform framework. According to the Felix Systems, “this app allows the creation of freight orders, transportation needs, on the basis of harvest declarations FHPDAT logistics standards. The system can be…
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Ground-Breaking App For Transgender & Gender-Variant People

‘Twilight People’ is a landmark project that helps users discover and celebrate the hidden history of transgender and gender-variant people of faith in the UK past and present – and it’s written with RAD Studio Delphi and the Firemonkey framework. In the words of the developer: “this collection is the first source of faith and transgender history in Britain. The…
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