
Apple Platforms Patch for RAD Studio 10.4.1

We have just released a new patch focused on improving RAD Studio 10.4.1 support for XCode 12, iOS 14 and macOS 11 Big Sur (Intel): these are operating systems and tools which were not available when 10.4.1 shipped. Specifically, the patch offers fixes for a Delphi exception…

Develop. Share. Inspire. - GM Update for November 2020

It is already November—time flies these days. Despite the global pandemic, we keep charging ahead. As developers are getting more used to working from home (and some love it), we see more projects picking up, which is exciting. I am especially thrilled that there are more and more public Delphi projects on GitHub, and related discussions on popular platforms, such as Stack Overflow and Reddit…
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How ISV’s Drive Innovation with InterBase

I recently ran a webinar, alongside Mary Kelly, discussing how InterBase ISV’s are innovating faster while improving profitability and return on investment through using InterBase. Following up on that webinar, I wanted to summarise some of the points…