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C++DelphiIDETech Partner

Flexible Rapid Kitto2 Solution for Delphi on The Web

Kitto2 is a development tool for data-driven web applications. Allows the creation of RIA (Rich Internet Applications) based on a data model that can be mapped to any database. The client part of Kitto2 uses ExtJS to create an entirely AJAX application, allowing you to create standard and advanced data manipulation forms in a short time. Ethea is a small but dynamic software development…
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Quickly And Easily Mirror Device Screens With DesktopCast Delphi Sample App

DesktopCast is a sample application with a client-server architecture where a client application can connect to a server application and receive a screenshot taken by the server application once or every 5 seconds using app tethering. The server application is a VCL application, and the client application is available both as a VCL application and as a FireMonkey application. You can find…
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Changes to FireDAC Transaction Isolation Configuration in RAD Studio 10.4

Before RAD Studio 10.4, the default of transaction isolation option for FireDAc connections wasread committed. That is TFDConnection.TxOptions.Isolation was xiReadCommitted. This was the value set for the component, and being the default it wasn’t send to the database. FireDAC just assumed the default value in its configuration was the default of the database and it did not explicitly…
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DelphiRAD Studio

Ignore Changes with Custom Managed Records

Handling the OnChange event handler on a TEdit is great until you programmatically change the text and trigger your OnChange event handler again. It gets really fun if you have two TEdit boxes that update each other in their OnChange event handler. I was reading Automate…

8 Delphi Success Stories Across Windows And Mobile

ArtGen Applications created with Delphi/Pascal are primarily used in the fields of science and technology as well as in business. The development environment is seldom used to create art. With ArtGen, programmer and artist Volker Diefenbach has managed to create a…
DelphiIDERAD Studio

RAD Studio 10.4 Patches

We have released three patches for RAD Studio 10.4. They can be found in the GetIt Package Manager in the IDE or on the IDE Welcome Page and can also separately be downloaded through the new download portal or CodeCentral. The patches are designed to be installed in sequence, on top of an existing 10.4 installation. RAD Studio 10.4 Patch 1: Missing Files and C++ DebuggingFor more details…
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Running Delphi & HTMX in WordPress - HTMX series part 3

There are over 472 million websites powered by WordPress. What most of them have in common is that they don’t benefit from the power of the web because WordPress is limited by its PHP structure.